
An Extensive Benchmark Study on Biomedical Text Generation and Mining with ChatGPT

An Extensive Benchmark Study on Biomedical Text Generation and Mining with ChatGPT
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In recent years, the development of natural language process (NLP) technologies and deep learning hardware has led to significant improvement in large language models (LLMs). The ChatGPT, the state-of-the-art LLM built on GPT-3.5 and GPT-4, shows excellent capabilities in general language understanding and reasoning. Researchers also tested the GPTs on a variety of NLP-related tasks and benchmarks and got excellent results. With exciting performance on daily chat, researchers began to explore the capacity of ChatGPT on expertise that requires professional education for human and we are interested in the biomedical domain.


To evaluate the performance of ChatGPT on biomedical-related tasks, this article presents a comprehensive benchmark study on the use of ChatGPT for biomedical corpus, including article abstracts, clinical trials description, biomedical questions, and so on. Typical NLP tasks like named entity recognization, relation extraction, sentence similarity, question and answering, and document classification are included. Overall, ChatGPT got a BLURB score of 58.50 while the state-of-the-art model had a score of 84.30. Through a series of experiments, we demonstrated the effectiveness and versatility of ChatGPT in biomedical text understanding, reasoning and generation, and the limitation of ChatGPT build on GPT-3.5.